Created by BeiGene

Dedicated to Patients First.

A diagnosis of cancer can be overwhelming. Anxiety, depression, isolation, and fear are just a few of the impacts felt by patients and their loved ones across the cancer continuum.

Talking about mental health and emotional wellness with healthcare professionals is a vital part of comprehensive cancer care. Mental health support, tools and resources can positively impact the course of treatment and improve quality of life and health outcomes.

Talk About It: Cancer and Mental Health elevates the important intersection of mental health and cancer care. It helps to normalize conversations, provides links to resources and brings the cancer community together to better support all people impacted by cancer.

Two women with dark hair embrace in a hug. The woman who's face is visible is smiling and has her eyes shut.
An older man sits with his arm around a young boy. The older man is wearing a deep blue shirt while the young boy wears a vibrant blue shirt and is blowing bubbles with an orange wand.
Young boy in a red shirt reaching up to whisper in an older man's ear. The older man is in a red button down shirt and smiling as he crouches down.

Your Story Is Important To Us!

Cancer is personal and each journey is unique. At BeiGene, we want to hear directly from cancer patients and caregivers about their experiences so we can learn and elevate our collective voices.

Are you a Blood Cancer or Gastric Cancer patient who would like to share your story with BeiGene?

An elderly woman and her aid holding hands with the aids arm around the woman

Patient & Caregiver Stories

Hear patient and caregivers personal journeys with mental health and cancer.